ArCa Unveils Its New Style

On December 4, the Armenian Card company restyling event took place at the Alexander Spendiaryan National Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet. During the event, ArCa new concept, brand style, logo, values, philosophy, and development perspectives were presented.
The event was attended by the Governor of the Central Bank of Armenia, top management, heads of Armenian banks and payment and settlement companies, as well as representatives of major Armenian businesses. The choice of venue and concept for Armenian Card restyling evening was not accidental and reflected the essence of Armenian Card. As Armenia national payment system, the company is simultaneously an innovator, offering progressive and unique solutions to its partners.
In his speech, Vardan Khachatryan, CEO and Chairman of the Management Board of Armenian Card, said:
՛՛Today, we are launching a new phase for Armenia payment system by presenting ArCa new concept. This includes the new logo, values, projects, and partnerships. As the national payment system, we will continue to offer advanced solutions to our partners՛՛
One of such solutions is the ArCa Pay tool, which was launched a few days ago and is now actively being implemented and expanded Martin Galstyan, Governor of the Central Bank of Armenia, stated:
՛՛For around 25 years, Armenian Card has been providing high-quality payment and settlement services to financial institutions in Armenia, acting as a bridge for internal payments interoperability and playing a key role in connecting Armenia to global systems․ Throughout its activity, ArCa has stood out for creating and implementing modern, innovative solutions and products. Today, we expect an even higher pace of development, which will bring new energy to the technological progress in the payments sector՛՛
Armenian Card is Armenia national payment system, continuously presenting modern solutions to its partners-banks and payment and settlement organizations-ensuring the development of Armenia payment system.